EUR 88.469
Cena vključuje DDV (19%) (74.343,70 Cena brez DDV)
Bereifung (v): 460/70r24,
Bereifung (h): 460/70r24,
Geschwindigkeit: 40,
Tragkraft: 5,
Hubhöhe: 7
JCB Q-Fit Headstock hydraulic locking, Lateral boom guide, Hydraulic trailer brakes, Trailer hitch auto hitch, Additional rear weight 430 kg, Precision control of working hydraulics, Rear auxiliary connection - sa and pick-up hitch, Front pressure relief, actuated from the cab and button on boom, 3rd additional front auxiliary service (DA) incl. constant flow, Underbody protection, Gearbox and frame top rubber cover, 40-km/h VARIPOWER transmission, 460/70 R24 tyres, Reversible cooling fan with automatic, Multi-colour instrument cluster display, Hydraulic oil level check in the cab, Air conditioning, Windscreen wiper front roof and right-hand side windows, Tilting and height-adjustable steering column, Driver's seat fabric cover air-suspended, with seat heater, Halogen work lights on telescopic boom front x2 side x3 trailer hitch x1, Roll-up blinds for roof window and windscreen, Halogen work lights 3 x front & 3 x rear, Automatic return-to-dig, Central lubrication points, x 3 (front, rear, telescopic arm), Bucket shake function, Front towing hitch, Tilt ram lock, Electronic immobiliser, CESAR Datatag, Flashing beacon foldable, Reversing alarm acoustic, One owner from new and full OLIVERS dealer service history

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Mike Bewersdorf    
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E-FARM GmbH Kleine Reichenstraße 1
20457 - Hamburg