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Sonstige Titan 43/20J

CZK 586.800,--
inkl. 21 % MwSt.

(EUR 19.749 exkl. 21 % MwSt.)
Martin Šreier
Nr. anzeigen
  • Type:
  • Titan 43/20J
  • Betriebsstd.:
  • 420
  • Baujahr:
  • 2021
  • Zustandsklasse:
  • Besonders gut (Klasse 1)

== Více podrobnosti (CZ) ==

na prodej zanovni predvadeci stipaci automat Slovinské firmy Uniforest Titan 43/20 J. Do prumeru 43-45cm. Stipaci tlak 20tun. 4m natáčecí vydejni dopravnik. ovladani plne joystickem, v cene je podavaci stul na 2-5m dlouhe kulatiny. zvedá kulatinu na úroveň pasu a pomoci ozubených ježků vsune kulatinu do automatu. Stroj skladem ihned k dodani po cele ČR a SK

== More details (EN) ==

for sale, a new, pre-owned splitting machine from the Slovenian company Uniforest Titan 43/20 J. Up to a diameter of 43-45cm. Pressure 20 tons. 4m rolling dispensing conveyor. fully controlled by joystick, the price includes a feeding table for 2-5 m long logs. It raises the log to waist level and, with the help of toothed hedgehogs, slides the log into the machine. Machine in stock for immediate delivery after customs in the Czech Republic and SK

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Weitere Angebote dieses Händlers
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